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Boost Your Gut Health with These Delicious Shakes

Episode 43

In this episode, Uncle Marv follows up on a recent discussion about the surprising signs of an unhealthy gut. He emphasizes the significant role of diet and exercise in gut health, sharing that his research consistently points to exercise as a crucial factor for a healthy gut microbiome. Uncle Marv discusses his personal journey of weight loss through clean eating, focusing on foods without preservatives and chemicals. 

He introduces his go-to Vitamix smoothie, which includes: 

  • Half a cup of frozen blueberries
  • Half a cup of frozen bananas (or one whole banana, halved and frozen)
  • A small piece of ginger
  • A scoop of protein powder
  • Water or ice for consistency

Uncle Marv then shares a new gut health-boosting shake recipe meant for athletes: 

  • Two cups of plain low-fat kefir
  • Two cups of frozen blueberries
  • Half a ripe avocado
  • One-inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled
  • Two tablespoons of chia seeds

He explains the nutritional benefits of both shakes, highlighting their high protein content, antioxidant properties, digestive health benefits, and anti-inflammatory properties. Uncle Marv encourages listeners to try these shakes and share their experiences.

=== Show Information

Website: https://www.unhealthypodcast.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamunclemarv

LInkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marvinbee/

Published on 6 months ago

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