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Take Advantage of the Google Leak (part 2)

Episode 118

In this episode, Meredith and her husband discuss the recent Google algorithm leak, and how local business owners might benefit from some of the new insights. This episode focuses on the importance of Google "entities" and how "mentions" are valuable for SEO, even if they don't provide a link.  

Resources mentioned:

0:00 Introduction
[1:05] Clarification: Email landing pages for SEO
[2:15] No Measure of Importance
[3:34] The Importance of Google Entities
[5:04] Takeaway No. 1: Google Business Listings
[5:26] Takeaway No. 2: Mentions
[8:12] Does Meta Data in images help SEO?
[9:49] Three Takeaways from the Google Algorithm Leak
[11:41] The Google Ads conspiracy theory

Meredith's Husband

Published on 6 months, 4 weeks ago

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