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Microdosing 101: What is Microdosing and How Does it Work?

Episode 34

Uncle Marv kicks off by acknowledging his lack of knowledge about microdosing but openness to learn. Julie explains microdosing means taking tiny amounts of substances like psilocybin, cannabis or LSD - enough to provide benefits without cognitive impairment or losing control. 

She shares how she initially tried microdosing psilocybin out of curiosity from a trusted friend who was investing in a microdosing company. After researching and combining it with her coaching skills, Julie started offering microdosing mentorship when she saw interest from sharing her experience online. 

Julie differentiates microdosing from a full psychedelic dose, which causes cognitive distortion and an inability to operate machinery safely. With microdosing, you remain grounded in reality while experiencing reduced mental burdens like anxiety, depression and PTSD. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Microdosing involves taking tiny, sub-perceptual amounts of psychedelics for benefits without impairment
  • It can help with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction
  • Combining microdosing with coaching/therapy can provide additional benefits
  • Start slow and have an intention/goal for your microdosing practice

Links from the Show:

=== Show Information

Website: https://www.unhealthypodcast.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamunclemarv

LInkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marvinbee/

Published on 8 months ago

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