Episode 56
SEO for Photographers - Episode 56
How to Create Filenames for Long-term SEO Success
Today we talk about filenames and SEO and how you can create filenames in a way that's good for both the short AND long term.
In this episode...
[2:27] Did you know that Google has a blog?
[3:20] Why are people talking about filenames?
[5:18] Does adding keywords to filenames help SEO?
[6:57] This is what will happen next
[9:48] Why people say SEO is Dead
[10:41] So how SHOULD you name your files?
[11:35] Always Use Hyphens!
[12:45] NEVER name your files like this...
[14:45] If you already stuffed your filenames
[17:02] This is how I name Merediths Files
Meredith's husband says ...
"People often tell me that SEO is Dead. I say SEO will be dead when people stop using Google."
Meredith's Husband
Published on 1 year, 10 months ago
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