Episode 182
Welcome to this week's edition of Five Question Friday. Here are the questions we'll be covering today:
1. Should you include the value of your home in your asset allocation?
2. Should we tilt our portfolio to 10% SCV?
3. After-Tax Asset allocation
4. Tips Ladders vs ETFs: If for example we had 500k for our fixed assets portion of our portfolio, what are your thoughts on building multiple TIPs ladders with all 500k to meet our retirement goals vs. a more diversified mixof t-bills, CDs, Agency, Corporate, and TIPs? I am leaning toward the more "diversified mix."
5. Roth conversions and Rate of Return Assumptions
Boldin: https://go.robberger.com/new-retireme...
Bolgeheads' Wiki: https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Tax-a...
Reichenstein Article: https://www.financialplanningassociat...
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