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Finding Your Leadership Flow [audio] Croft Edwards

Finding Your Leadership Flow [audio] Croft Edwards

Being in the “Flow” is it something leaders can do, and if they can, what’s the impact on business and leadership? 

There’s have been times when you have struggled and toiled on every thought, every…

Published on 6 years, 9 months ago

[audio] Why hiring inexperienced people and giving away profit is great for business with Jacob Baadsgaard

[audio] Why hiring inexperienced people and giving away profit is great for business with Jacob Baadsgaard

Culture and having a great one is vitally to both the health and profitability of any organization. But is it possible to build a great culture without going bankrupt, but rather to create a culture …

Published on 6 years, 9 months ago

Business Bootcamp...Is it time to return to basics?

Business Bootcamp...Is it time to return to basics?

On this episode we'll dive deep into how business can be combative, and why we as leaders might need to think and act like a business sergeant by going back to the very basics. The question is can we…

Published on 6 years, 9 months ago

Why 90 Percent of Engagement Strategies Fail Miserably

Why 90 Percent of Engagement Strategies Fail Miserably

We've never backed away from looking at what the real problem is when it comes to engagement, or rather disengagement, and our approach to dealing with it. 

The question is have you, as a leader actu…

Published on 6 years, 9 months ago

Why We Need More Women in Leadership

Why We Need More Women in Leadership

Unlimited: Conquering the myth of the glass ceiling

We need more Women in leadership, but in a climate of hyper emotional-tension, and a highly fragile language environment, has men’s fear of be acc…

Published on 6 years, 9 months ago

Overcoming The Chaos Factor with Scott Beebe

Overcoming The Chaos Factor with Scott Beebe

As Leaders we all know the importance of having a Vision, Mission and Purpose. But how do you get through and systematize the day-to-day meetings that suck up your time making it seem impossible to s…

Published on 6 years, 9 months ago

Millennial's Creating A Global Tribe

Millennial's Creating A Global Tribe

Every leader knows the we are living in a time of massive change, that there is a new way of doing life, business and leadership… but many are asking what is exactly is this “The New Way”

The New Wa…

Published on 6 years, 9 months ago

Nice Leaders, a Kind Leaders or  Great Leaders [audio] Hans Finzel

Nice Leaders, a Kind Leaders or Great Leaders [audio] Hans Finzel

Leadership can be hard! 

On This episode we’ll be taking an insider look at…Why Being “Nice” is Destructive in Leadership. 

You, as the leader have to make decisions that most people don’t want to ma…

Published on 6 years, 10 months ago

Smoking and Loneliness Both Death Threats: Is Work The Potential Cure?

Smoking and Loneliness Both Death Threats: Is Work The Potential Cure?

Season 7 Episode 1

Why is it that when it costs US $550 Billion a year in lost productivity haven’t we found a workable solution for disengagement?

How can we break through to see our own blind spots, crush the mundane…

Published on 6 years, 10 months ago

How Profiler's Build Trust (Criminal Minds Style)

How Profiler's Build Trust (Criminal Minds Style)

Season 7 Episode 2

Trust; is there a specific code to follow in order to build it?

To be a great leader your people have got to trust you. But how do you build unshakable trust?

On this episode Dov Baron takes an insid…

Published on 6 years, 10 months ago

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