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110 - Kickstart your learning with the Skritter Character Course

110 - Kickstart your learning with the Skritter Character Course

Season 1 Episode 110

What’s the best way to learn Chinese characters as a beginner? The Skritter character course is my  best attempt at answering that question.

Link to article: Kickstart your learning with the Skritter…

Published on 2 years, 6 months ago

109 - Focusing on Mandarin tones without being distracted by Pinyin

109 - Focusing on Mandarin tones without being distracted by Pinyin

Season 1 Episode 109

When Chinese characters appear next to Pinyin, the familiar letters distract us from the characters. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep information about the tones, but throw Pinyin away?

Link to a…

Published on 2 years, 6 months ago

108 - Take responsibility for your Chinese learning now

108 - Take responsibility for your Chinese learning now

Season 1 Episode 108

You should be responsible for your own learning, and if you outsource that to someone else, the results might be disastrous. This might sound obvious, but I think the problem is widely overlooked, es…

Published on 2 years, 6 months ago

107 - 50 beginner questions about learning Chinese

107 - 50 beginner questions about learning Chinese

Season 1 Episode 107

Learning Chinese as a beginner can be confusing. Here are answers to 50 common questions asked by new learners!

Link to article: 50 beginner questions about learning Chinese: https://www.hackingchine…

Published on 2 years, 6 months ago

106 - Learning to pronounce Mandarin with Pinyin, Zhuyin and IPA

106 - Learning to pronounce Mandarin with Pinyin, Zhuyin and IPA

Season 1 Episode 106

Which transcription system should you use when learning Mandarin: Pinyin, Zhuyin or perhaps IPA? Let’s discuss their pros and cons!

Link to article 1: Learning to pronounce Mandarin with Pinyin, Zhuy…

Published on 2 years, 6 months ago

105 - 10 ways of using games to learn and teach Chinese

105 - 10 ways of using games to learn and teach Chinese

Season 1 Episode 105

Games are great for learning languages. Here are ten ways you can use games to learn or teach Chinese as a second language!

Link to article: 10 ways of using games to learn and teach Chinese: https:/…

Published on 2 years, 7 months ago

104 - Hacking Chinese Podcast two-year anniversary Q&A

104 - Hacking Chinese Podcast two-year anniversary Q&A

Season 1 Episode 104

How do you stop translating in your head? Is it worthwhile to study a Pinyin chart? And how do you learn traditional characters after learning simplified?

Link to article: Hacking Chinese Podcast two…

Published on 2 years, 7 months ago

103 - How to learn Chinese characters as a beginner

103 - How to learn Chinese characters as a beginner

Season 1 Episode 103

Whole books have been written about how the Chinese writing system works, and really understanding Chinese is a lifelong adventure, but what do you do as a beginner when asked to memorise a list of c…

Published on 2 years, 7 months ago

102 - 7 ways to write Mandarin tones

102 - 7 ways to write Mandarin tones

Season 1 Episode 102

There are many ways of writing down the tones of Mandarin beyond the standard tone marks. Which are they and what pros and cons do they have for learners?

Link to article: 7 ways to write Mandarin to…

Published on 2 years, 7 months ago

101 - Chinese language question triage: When to ask whom about what

101 - Chinese language question triage: When to ask whom about what

Season 1 Episode 101

When learning Chinese, questions about the language pop up all the time, but what's the best way to answer them?

Link to article: Chinese language question triage: When to ask whom about what: https:…

Published on 2 years, 8 months ago

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