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2/2 Aaron Walker: A Pocketful of Money and a House Full of Strangers.

2/2 Aaron Walker: A Pocketful of Money and a House Full of Strangers.

What's driving your pursuit of success? As we have spoken about many times on this podcast, success without a commitment to adding significant value to others is unlikely to bring any lasting fulfillment. So, what does it take to go from success to significance and on to fulfillment? Can being massively driven allow you to do it alone, or does it take a community? If it does take teaming up with others, how would you know who to team up with? How can we embark on a journey from Success to Significance?


We've all met people, sometimes in the mirror, who treat it like a defining destination despite knowing it's a journey. They somehow believe they will be different when they get "there." Then, to their great disappointment, they discover that they have worked their butts off, and as a result, they have all the shiny things on the outside but are often empty on the inside.


Our guest for the next two episodes knows all about that. Aaron Walker is a veteran entrepreneur. Aaron is a man with a multi-layered story of success without significance. His journey towards forgiveness, fellowship, community, and service came through a path of Anger and Hate. Aaron has been to the edge of a personal hell and made it back to guide others toward something far more meaningful.

He's had 14 businesses and has retired thrice, the first time at 27 years old. However, something life-altering happened when he was 40 that would take him down a very dark path to the bottom where he had to do massive self-inquiry to come back and share his View From The Top.

Aaron is also the bestselling author of, View From the Top, Living a Life of 





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Part 2) A Pocketful of Money and a House Full of Strangers. 

  • From Success to Significant 
  • When We Can't Forgive Ourselves
  • Getting Kicked in the Ego, and Laughed at
  • When Murder is an Option
  • When Your Kindness, Your Forgiveness is Your Reward
  • Community and The Need for Reciprocal Vulnerability
  • The Values Check: Who Are you Really Doing This For?


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Published on 2 years, 6 months ago

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