Whether it's Downs Syndrome, the Autistic, or the homeless individuals of our society, it's easy to see these challenges as other people's problems. However, the fact is, we all live in a connected society. All of these things and more are no more than a few degrees of separation from us all. But what can we do?
The last time a global survey was attempted – by the United Nations in 2005 – an estimated 100 million people were homeless worldwide. Homelessness is at an epidemic level. As many as 1.6 billion people lacked adequate housing (Habitat, 2015). If you are not in the situation of being homeless or even close to it, it can seem like an unsolvable problem that has very little to do with those of us who are business leaders. But is it?
Our guest for the next two episodes is Jeff Rotmeyer. Jeff is originally from my adopted hometown of Vancouver, Canada. That being said, we don't know each other from Vancouver. Jeff has spent his last 16 years in Hong Kong, where he founded two different charities on the same day. H is the Founder and CEO of ImpactHK, a charity transforming the lives of those experiencing homelessness in Hong Kong. ImpactHK started with just a few individuals aiming to show kindness to those in need and has now grown into a humanitarian movement involving over ten thousand volunteers that have helped over 400 individuals to get off the streets.
Jeff is also the Founder and CEO of Love 21 Foundation, a charity supporting the Down Syndrome and autistic community with sports and nutrition programs. Love 21 supports over 260 families with a holistic program that strives to give the neuro-diverse community the best opportunity to reach their full potential.
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Part 2) Love21
Curious to discover how tapping into the Anatomy of Meaning can #actualize your #business, #culture, #Leadership and #tribe Published on 2 years, 6 months ago
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