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2/2 Carson Tate: Totally Reimagining the Engagement Model:

2/2 Carson Tate: Totally Reimagining the Engagement Model:

Think about it, we're all here at the moment in time that has rattled our work-life reality. As employees and employers, we are in the middle of what's become known as The Great Resignation. However, is resigning the answer, or could there be other opportunities you never even considered? 

In many of my articles, I've spoken about how the Great Resignation is in fact, The Great Pause. We've all been given an extraordinary moment to examine what matters most to us. But does that always mean walking away from the job you are in? Or might there be an opportunity to co-create your dream job?

You might be amazed.

Our guest for the next two episodes is Carson Tate. Carson serves as a consultant and coach to executives at Fortune 500 companies including Deloitte, FedEx, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, Heinz, Synchrony, Wells Fargo, and many others.

Her work has been featured in top-tier business media including Bloomberg, Businessweek, Business Insider, CBS Money Watch, Fast Company, Forbes, Harvard Business Review Blog, The New York Times, USA Today, Working Mother, and more. 

Carson Tate knows that when employees thrive, business thrives. She is the author of two books, Work Simply, and Own It. Love It. Make it Work. How to Make Any Job Your Dream Job. Carson's practical, tactical, science-backed strategies and methodologies have enabled Fortune 500 companies to amplify team performance, engage their employees, and increase workforce productivity.

Website  http://www.workingsimply.com

Social media  https://www.linkedin.com/in/carsontate

Part 2) Totally Reimagining the Engagement Model

  • What's wrong with the Multi-billion-dollar Engagement model 
  • Are You Building an Empire on Sand?
  • Culture - Connection - Collaboration - with Courage
  • Are you a "to me," "for me," or "With me"?
  • The Future of Work: Reciprocal Relationship
  • Sunk Cost Bias and Committing to What No Longer Works

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