Episode 25
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0:00 - Welcome to the Financial Freedom Show!
0:30 - Roth Conversions
15:13 - Reverse mortgage
16:24 - Is there a minimum where Roth Conversion doesn't make sense?
18:04 - BUFOX
21:47 - 11 stocks
25:26 - Thoughts on investing for college/529 Ohio/VTEP
27:05 - Defined Benefit Pension Plan
31:29 - Is there a downside of leaving target date funds in my portfolio?
33:42 - Why can't we invest non earned income into a Roth IRA?
34:37 - Good Morning Washington
35:33 - 90/10 or 80/20 for investing kids savings
36:32 - Timing the market
38:04 - Roth Conversions make sense if the market takes a downturn
38:50 - VB & VBR
40:56 - Accessing Roth Conversion after 5 years
42:35 - Transitioning from predominantly index fund investing to disciplined individual value stock investing in Roth
44:46 - Schwab vs Vanguard for retirement accounts
48:19 - Married couple Roth conversion
48:56 - Fulfilling promises to viewers
51:05 - Cash reserves account
52:17 - Betterment
54:58 - Qualified donations
56:41 - Tips on spending money during the accumulation phase
57:57 - Good asset allocation in stocks
1:00:25 - Most advantageous method to determine the profit or loss for tax reporting in a taxable account
1:01:58 - Changing allocation since my account is no longer a Roth
Published on 2 years, 10 months ago
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