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2/2:  Living In Space (Not MARS): Will Henry

2/2: Living In Space (Not MARS): Will Henry

Humans have a propensity to think in absolutes. For instance, fire the team member or keep them? Get divorced or have a baby? Consider this, the profound and innovative technologies tend not to be either or, but rather AND based instead. 

Who can we look too? Who can teach us an AND way of thinking, particularly when confronting the really big questions, the really big problems we face?

You may love or hate people like Elon Musk, Richard Branson, or Jeff Bezos, but as a leader, you likely do want to know what drives them to extraordinary heights? One thing is certain, these individuals tend to be solution-based not in an either-or but very much in an AND way. So, let me ask you, do you know what or who got someone like Jeff Bezos to even think about big problems, particularly in an AND way? The answer may surprise you. It is a man who very few people today would even recognize the name of, a man who our guest today has made a fascinating movie about. The gentleman I’m referring to has inspired everyone from Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to Star Trek creator, Gene Rodenberry.  A man who, when you watch this movie, ‘The High Frontier,’ may change your entire understanding of the possibilities and value of the new space race.

Our guest on the next two episode is Will Henry, Producer at Multiverse Media. Will is a Filmmaker and Writer based in Los Angeles, CA.  Born and raised in Princeton, NJ, Will later attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City as a Directing/Screenwriting double major where he graduated top of his class. Will began his career in development at Tribeca Film under Jane Rosenthal and Robert De Niro, and later as a Creative Executive at Cindy Cowan Entertainment. Will Henry then moved into the independent film industry as a Filmmaker and Writer shortly after relocating to Los Angeles, CA. He is the Senior Producer at Multiverse Media and has gained recognition for his first feature documentary film, The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerard K. O'Neill.

More on Will Henry: 

Website:  https://www.willhenryfilm.com https://multiversemediagroupllc.com https://thehighfrontiermovie.com

Social Media https://twitter.com/WillTHenry https://www.linkedin.com/in/will-henry-86003654 https://www.instagram.com/multiversemedia_group https://www.facebook.com/HighFrontierDoc 

Part 2) Living in Space 

  • Living in Space and Not on a Planet
  • Space Living: Death by Politics and Religion
  • The Economics of Space Living
  • Why Millions of People Quit their Job to Help Create the High Frontier 
  • Gerry Kids in The Princeton Quad 
  • Lessons from Colonization
  • Who Were and Are Today's "Gerry's Kids"
  • Inspiring Multiple Generations
  • Space - Syfy and Human Philosophy



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