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Kevin Liao and Life on the 2020 Presidential Campaign Trail

Kevin Liao and Life on the 2020 Presidential Campaign Trail

“I think people need to remember that the presidency doesn’t solve all of our problems. If you want to continue to be engaged in the political process, find your local city council member and figure out if you’re not happy with what they’re doing, elect someone else or you can run yourself. I’m now at the point where I’ve got several friends who are in elected offices in California, which is very cool. Get involved in your state races, your city races, your county races. Those are also avenues that are going to have a tremendous impact on your life and if you’re not happy about the way things are going, not just in the White House but at every other level, get involved.”

CITIUS MAG contributor Kevin Liao joins the podcast to share what his experience was like on the presidential campaign trail for the past two years. Kevin is wrapping up his time as Joe Biden's communications director in Nevada. Prior to that, he served as Elizabeth Warren's communications director in California and then as her Iowa press secretary. Kevin and I worked alongside each other briefly at Flotrack and then teamed up for the launch of CITIUS MAG in 2017. I've covered numerous races and track meets alongside him but never really dove into his professional life in politics. We talk about how that started, how it coincided with his own running. 

Totally understand if you've had your fill of politics talk after Election Day and the whirlwind that followed. Feel free to come back to this episode whenever you want. If you've followed CITIUS MAG in the past few years and seen some of our recent posts on social media, you might know that we're OK with veering into politics. The line between sports, politics or activism does not exist for me but I understand that not everyone feels this way. I've also shared some of my personal views on social media. So if you choose to skip this episode, that's OK. We hope to have you back when we continue with more chats with athletes, coaches and anyone notable in the sport.

Follow Kevin on Twitter. 


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Sponsorships for the CITIUS MAG Podcast remain open just in time for the holiday season. If you’re interested in supporting this show, hit me up chris@citiusmag.com to get the word out about your brand, product or event. I’m all ears.

Published on 4 years, 4 months ago

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