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Capturing the Moment

When I book a guest for Behind the Shot I usually have an idea on how I will describe them, but sometimes that is a bit more difficult. Let’s take today’s guest, Atiba Jefferson, for example.

Atiba is perhaps best known for his 25 years of skateboarding images. He has worked for all of the major skateboarding publications, and now works at Thrasher magazine. But describing Atiba as a skateboarding photographer would be a mistake, as he is much more than that single genre.

Atiba has a deep history in professional basketball. during the Shaq and Kobe years he assisted Andy Bernstein, the Los Angeles Lakers photographer, and shot for the Lakers. That history alone has to bring with it so many stories. Add to that the fact that he has shot more SLAM magazine covers than any other photographer and you might consider Atiba a sports photographer, which also fits in with the skateboarding I suppose. The problem is that a description like that still misses the mark.

Atiba is also a music photographer, something near and dear to my heart, and his images capturing everyday life are amazing.

So where does that leave us with the description? Well, for the purpose of this episode I am going to focus on what I see as a common thread throughout all of Atiba’s work…. the moment. He is a master at capturing that perfect moment, whether it be in a photojournalistic style image, a commercial job, or a studio portrait.

All of this taken together explains why he has the client list he does, including: Supreme, adidas, Nike, Converse, Reebok, ESPN, Gatorade, Mountain Dew, Oakley, Panasonic, Pepsi, and Netflix. And there is one more…

As of October 1, 2020, Atiba Jefferson is a Canon Explorer of Light. That is one of the highest career accomplishments a photographer can reach, and I for one want to say congrats. It’s well deserved. Atiba’s body of work is fantastic and, if you have not yet, go follow him on social media.

Join Canon Explorer of Light, and master of capturing the perfect moment, Atiba Jefferson and me as we discuss moment, style, and more on this episode of Behind the Shot.

Connect with Atiba

Website: atibaphoto.com
Instagram: @atibaphoto
Twitter: @atibaphoto
Facebook: @atiba.jefferson

Atiba’s Photographer Picks

Grant Brittain: jgrantbrittainphotos.com
Andrew Bernstein: adbapi.com
Jonathan Mannion: jonathanmannion.com
Walter Iooss Jr: walteriooss.com

Video Mentioned During the Show

Lakai Fully Flared Intro: https://vime

Published on 4 years, 3 months ago

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