The frightening night exactly ten years ago that 4,000 carefree vacationers suddenly found themselves enduring a watery nightmare. Why we scream on roller-coasters even though we know it’s perfectly safe. Why men without women are sadder and more desperate than women without men. Join your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create The differences between dating in person, by telephone or on Zoom/Facebook. Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. The powerful sensation that works to the benefit of married couples but to the disadvantage of single people. You really can change and transform the rest of your life with two resources a compass and a roadmap. In other words, you need to know what to do but you also need the internal strength to make yourself do it. Your compass: Your roadmap: Ruchi Koval’s powerful book “Soul Construction” here
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Published on 2 years, 11 months ago
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