Grayson Murphy joins the CITIUS MAG Podcast to discuss her first six months as a professional runner with Northern Arizona Elite. We go back to her roots as a soccer player before she finally started competitively running as a walk-on for Santa Clara. She really burst onto the NCAA scene after transferring to Utah and becoming a steeplechaser. Now as a professional, she's working on focusing on the 5,000 and 10,000 meters. Most importantly, she's been spreading positivity with her journaling. Grayson shares why she started selling training journals + planners and how it helped her cope with anxiety. Plus: Her funniest drug testing story might be the best one that we've ever had on the show. If you want to check out her journals, they're available here: ----- The CITIUS MAG Podcast is brought to you by Strava. Personally, I believe Strava is the best app for runners and cyclists to keep track of all their training. It helps keep me accountable as I get ready for the 2019 Tokyo Marathon in March. I've been using Strava Summit, which includes extra features with their training an analysis packs. Right now, CITIUS MAG Podcast listeners have a chance to try those Summit features go to and enter the code citius (all lowercase) at checkout while purchasing an annual subscription. It's like you're getting your first month free! Follow me on Strava: Join the CITIUS MAG Track Club:
Published on 6 years, 1 month ago
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