Mike Marsella of the Boston Athletic Association joins the CITIUS MAG Podcast. You might now know the name yet but you'll definitely enjoy his story. It starts with being struck with paralysis while in the 9th grade, which required surgery and rehab. He was fortunate enough to walk and then run at a high level. He was a member of a 4 x mile high school record-setting team and then earned a scholarship to the University of Virginia. In 2013, Marsella was struck by a car while driving a moped with a teammate. Marsella was in a coma for four days and was unable to remember anything when he woke up. He had a hard time remembering and comprehending things until about two weeks after the accident. He slowly started his recovery process and stayed with his mother in a local hotel until he was finally able to rejoin the team in the fall of 2013. Initially, he struggled. Who wouldn't after that traumatic of an injury? He explains what turned things around for him and how he was able to run 3:59:97 by January 2015. All of that sounds great until he was hit with mononucleosis in the fall of 2015. He returned for the indoor and outdoor seasons in 2016 but then had his 2017 indoor and outdoor campaigns derailed by stress fractures. After much thought and consideration, he returned to Virginia for the 2017-18 season and a sixth year. He ended up making the 2018 NCAA final in the 1,500 meters and decided to finally give the professional ranks a shot. He got an opportunity with the BAA and then finished 5th at the USATF Indoor Championships Mile in February. You'll learn Mike and his whole story on this episode of The CITIUS MAG Podcast. ✍ SHOW NOTES Perseverance Pays Off for Marsella https://virginiasports.com/news/2018/6/6/Perseverance_Pays_Off_for_Marsella.aspx Future 'Double-Hoo' Overcomes Brain Injury to Beat 4-Minute Mile https://news.virginia.edu/content/class-2018-future-double-hoo-overcomes-brain-injury-beat-4-minute-mile ❤️SPONSOR Support for the CITIUS MAG Podcast comes from SOAR RUNNING. Get familiar with one of the finest and newest running apparel companies deep into running culture. The company’s focus is on the best quality technical fabric for the common, everyday runner. There’s something available for men and for women. Support the brand, support the podcast. Check them out today: www.soarrunning.com/ Follow them on Instagram: www.instagram.com/soar_running/ I’m a fan of the Elite Tempo Top 2.0. It is super lightweight with 3d textured woven fabric. Designed to go fast. https://www.soarrunning.com/product/elite-tempo-top-20?colour=122 ▶ Follow us: https://twitter.com/CitiusMag https://instagram.com/citiusmag https://facebook.com/citiusmag ▶ Follow Chris https://twitter.com/ChrisChavez https://instagram.com/chris_j_chavez 👔Biz Inquiries/Write Us: chris@citiusmag.com 📷Kevin Morris: @kevmofoto 👕LEGS ARE FEELIN’ GOOD MERCH: T-shirt: https://www.redbubble.com/people/chrischavez/works/34086922-legs-are-feelin-good?p=t-shirt Mugs: https://www.redbubble.com/people/chrischavez/works/33538744-legs-are-feelin-good?p=mug
Published on 5 years, 10 months ago
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