Mother of three. Full-time nurse. 2:29 Marathoner. Roberta Groner joins the CITIUS MAG Podcast to recount her two marathon experiences at the 2019 IAAF World Championships in Doha, Qatar, where she finished sixth overall (top American) and the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon, where she was 13th overall (4th American). Roberta takes us back to what drew her into the sport after a decade off from running. She ran her first marathon at the 2011 Chicago Marathon and has since lowered her personal best to 2:29:09. We discuss how getting older doesn't necessarily mean getting slower, how she's approaching the upcoming U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta on Feb. 29 and also talks about possibly going for the U.S. women's Masters record. This episode was co-hosted by my good friend Matthew Luke Meyer, who was previously a guest on the Runners of NYC Podcast to share his own inspiring story. Related reading: How Masters Women Dominated the New York City Marathon by Martin Fritz Huber for Outside Magazine ------- ❤️ Support for this episode of the CITIUS MAG Podcast comes from THE FEED. You can curate your own package of product to support your training or try the CITIUS MAG package for yourself. There’s a great variety of options for drink mixes, food, chews, gels. It’s been a game-changer. Head over to to save 15% on a box curated by yours truly (the or use the code CITIUS10 to save 10% on everything else storewide. ❤️ Also, protect your legs, nipples and arms with SQUIRREL'S NUT BUTTER. You can use promo code CITIUS20 for 20% off on all their anti-chafing products on their website. today. 👕 MERCH! 📧 Subscribe to our newsletter: ▶ Follow us: ✩ Connect with Chris 👔Biz Inquiries/Write Us:
Published on 5 years, 4 months ago
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