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#738- Sacrifices In The Name Of The Dark Lord w/ Stygian Charters

#738- Sacrifices In The Name Of The Dark Lord w/ Stygian Charters

Season 1 Episode 738

Today we have Nyx with Stygian Charters Podcast. We get into one of the most disturbing topics of discussion, Satanic ritual murders. There sadly is a long list of these throughout history, but for this conversation we stay on some of the most recent examples. The media won’t discuss this because it’s too disturbing, but those with their third eyes all the way open know that this world does have true evil within it. And these are absolutely occult rituals, therefore it’s our duty to talk about them. Although it may seem like something out of a horror movie, these groups exist and we must bring their dark deeds to light.

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Published on 3 weeks, 3 days ago

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