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#731- The Epic of Esau, Nephilim Sasquatch & The Poisoned Bloodline w/ Prometheus Lens

#731- The Epic of Esau, Nephilim Sasquatch & The Poisoned Bloodline w/ Prometheus Lens

Season 1 Episode 731

Our homie Justin with Prometheus Lens has completed his book, The Epic of Esau. Today we take a deeper look into the serpent blood lineage and the possible meaning behind the biblical history of Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, and of course Esau and Jacob. Go check out Justin’s book for yourselves, and go check out his podcast!

To find The Prometheus Lens Podcast—-> Spotify..com/PrometheusLens

To find Justin’s new book!—-> "The Epic of Esau: The Birthright and Seed War " on Amazon.com

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Published on 1 month ago

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