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RBS 177: Is a 100% Stock Portfolio in Retirement Best? (FQF)

Episode 177

In this Five Question Friday (FQF), we'll be tackling the following viewer questions:

1. Is a 100% stock portfolio the best option during retirement?
2. How does the 5-year rule on Roth conversions work?
3. Should long-term investors invest in bonds?
4. How do backdoor Roth IRA conversions work?
5. What are my favorite personal finance books to give as gifts during the holidays?

Resources Mentioned in the Video:

Retire Before Mom and Dad: https://amzn.to/3OQL0DA
Big ERN's response: https://earlyretirementnow.com/2024/0...
SWR Toolbox: https://earlyretirementnow.com/2018/0...

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