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Houseplant Gnats and What to Do

Houseplant Gnats and What to Do

Episode 885

Hey, indoor gardeners, Ken Lain here!

Those pesky little black flies buzzing around your houseplants? Those are fungus gnats, and they can wreak havoc on your indoor jungle. But don't worry, I'm here to help!

Fungus gnats thrive in moist soil and lay eggs that hatch into larvae that feed on your plant's roots. To break the cycle, start with yellow sticky traps to catch the adults. Then, use systemic granules to eliminate the larvae in the soil. Simply sprinkle the granules on the soil surface and water them in. The granules will release into the soil, killing the gnats and protecting your plants from other pests like mealybugs and aphids.

Give your plants a boost with a dose of houseplant fertilizer or our own Watters Root & Grow for even faster recovery. With a little TLC, your houseplants will be thriving and gnat-free in no time!

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Ken Lain, The Top 10 Gardener


#WattersGardenCenter, #WattersGardencenterAZ, #Top10Gardener, #GardeningTips, #MountainGardenerPodcast, #kedj, #HouseplantGnats, #FungusGnats, #PlantCare, #IndoorGardening

Published on 1 month ago

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