May 18th Podcast!
Marriage Advice, If Jesus Had A Blog, Praise, I Saw the Light, The Voice (Mail), Money & Worry, Welcome to the Show, Probably Soft Hands, This Week Will Rock Because __________
"God breathed life into dust. He made the whole universe. He set the stars in space and charts their course. God deserves praise. It's not egocentric, it's just truth"
"Beans and cornbread had a fight. We don't know what it means. Just accept it."
"A lot of people stressed about a Monday, but you don't have to be because God has Tuesday in mind and Wednesday and you don't have to worry about it."
"Worry is effectively saying: I don't trust God to do what I know is the right thing."
"The listener of this program goes through stages. Work the stages. Stage #2 is white hot rage."
Published on 9 years, 8 months ago