June 8th Podcast!
Wife In Your Phone Contacts, Hipster Jeopardy, Norm-Core, Prayer, I Saw the Light, Reading Your Bible, This Week's Gonna Rock Because ____________, Later You'll Understand, Video of the Day, Immaturity
"I'm starting a new trend called Abnorm-core. It involves puppet."
"If God revealed everything to you, your head would explode. You wouldn't be able to process the information."
"We're afraid that God's not gonna get it right. That's what causes us to worry."
"If you don't learn what God is actually like and remind yourself of it often, you'll start to create him into what you wanted anyway."
"I don't want a God of my making. He's not nearly good enough. He's not nearly powerful enough."
Published on 9 years, 7 months ago