March 25th Oddcast!
Prayer at a Drive-Thru, The Lord's Short Prayer, Bad Baby Names, Peter and Jesus, Don't Uncover, Sports & Miming, Bloody Good Friday, Fattest City, Baby Goat Videos, The Honesty Cafe, Home Buying Tips from the Onion, What Good Friday Paid For, Grace: Singing vs. Anger;
"Peter betrayed Jesus and Jesus said 'this is the guy that will start my church."
"People would pay top dollar to see mimes reenacting the Civil War."
"I didn't say I was giving the best advice. It's just advice. I'm just spouting advice."
"What Jesus went through on Calvary is because our sin was so ugly. It was so bloody because of us."
"Not sure mimes playing football in the NFL is the best idea."
"Grace either makes you burst into song or it makes you very angry."
Published on 8 years, 10 months ago