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April 20th Oddcast!

Heroic Faith, Daily Faithfulness, Jars of Kobe Air, The Storks: Clepetan and Melena, Life on Your Own Terms, Kamikaze, Karaoke, Joke Spa, Sympathy Hotline, Shopping for a Religion, Save the Alien Planet, Faithful Over the Little Things, Welcome Misfits,  Cut Yourself Some Slack;
"This isn't a jar of air from the Lakers game. This is OKC Thunder air."
"Get off of Clepetan the Stork's case."
"Success is living on His terms not mine."
"The humor contained in that joke will cause you to relax."
"If you're shopping for a religion that makes you feel good, Christianity is not a good option."

Published on 8 years, 9 months ago

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