April 26th Oddcast!
Kelly/Brant Then Sherri, History Segment: TV Guide, The Brant
Hansen Show Joke Spa, National Admin Day, Honesty Cafe, NFL
Drafting Friends, Believing vs. Trusting, Sci-Fi Question, Working
With People You Don't Like, The Bible Is Not a Fairy Tale, A Selfie
at Abe Lincoln's Grave, The Wombat Cuddler Job Update, Cleaning Up
Your Kids;
"We live in a time where everyone thinks they're really,
really smart."
"Stay in your car for 3 weeks and listen to our show."
"God is a loving Father that actually wants you!"
"God uses difficult people to refine our character. Sometimes
that's the only way it's going to happen."
Published on 8 years, 9 months ago