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September 6th Oddcast!

Facebook Satellite, FL State Player in the Cafeteria, Sean Connery Calls…Again, Venting, Listener Uniform Received, Re-writing the Story, Impressive New iPhone Features, Bad Advice That Sounds Good, Duet w/Brant, Your Job Matters, Brant As Bond, Anger on Social Media, Breaking Animal News;



“Pastor, why do we have a satellite? Don’t just gloss over that.”

“I want my eyes to be open to the people who are marginalized.”

“We have a cease and desist from Sean Connery.”

“When you’re venting about someone do it in a way that gives grace towards the other person.”

“I’m getting the colder shoulder from Apple. That haven’t consulted me at all.”

Published on 8 years, 4 months ago

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