Sam (@thesamparr) and Shaan (@shaanvp) today go over some of YC's best startups to come out of its recent demo day. Want to make your first million with your mobile app? You have to prioritize your user experience first. And HeadSpin is here to help. With HeadSpin’s mobile app benchmark reports, know where you stand against your peers and get deep insights into your mobile experience and app performance. Get your custom HeadSpin benchmark report at Topics for today: Sam's good luck and bad luck (3:26), Teachable selling (7:30), Can Airbnb withstand a recession? (12:48), Cron - Superhuman for your calendar (21:40), Superhumans for x - Pitch and Casuel (29:51), Art in res - fine art installment plans (32:00), Line of credit to influencers (38:53), Freezing eggs (44:34), $100K and pick one to invest in (50:17), Campus delivery startups - Duffle and Puff (53:31) and Unsexy great new businesses like and Truenorth Fleet (55:19)
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Published on 4 years, 11 months ago
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