Today we have Andrew Wilkinson (@awilkinson) of Tiny. Tiny is a holding company started by Andrew that buys “wonderful internet businesses” with the intention of holding them forever (akin to Berkshire Hathaway). Altogether, Tiny’s businesses do high 8-figures in revenue and employ close to 400 people across 20 companies. If you want to know more about his background, Andrew was interviewed on our podcast so give Episode #63 a listen. Today he answers: How do you find CEO's that you can trust, You've mentioned Warren Buffet a lot, any other leaders you look up to?, Is “company building” a repeatable process? What % of it can be automated?, Can you recommend your favorite business books?, What is your biggest failure and what did you learn from it?, What is a core attribute you look for when you hire somebody?, How do you make connections with other entrepreneurs while residing in a non-startup centric city?, How much of your investments are made up of personal capital vs. OPM (Other People’s Money)?, During your time at MetaLab, what was the best way to acquire clients?, Are you taking Buffett's advice and reading 500 pages a day?, As a person, how have you evolved over the years?, How do you start a fund with money made from an agency?, What's the required mindset shift from running one business to delegating a team to run multiple?, If you internalize one principal into your kids, what would it be?, When you built your house, what are some things that could have made the frustrations easier?, Can I skip building an agency and go straight into investing? and What's the worst & best advice you get from people who tell you how to become successful?.
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Published on 4 years, 10 months ago
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