Today’s episode is a Q&A from the archives. Sam Parr (@theSamParr) and Shaan Puri (@ShaanVP) host a Q&A on the one year anniversary of Trends. In today’s episode you’ll hear: Sam talks through how to research topics and businesses (5:15), Shaan answers Sam’s question “what’s a contrarian opinion you hold?” (9:45), Shaan talks about where an entrepreneur should focus their energy (20:52), a lister asks “what’s one thing that you believed that ended up completely opposite?” (25:38), Sam talks about one of the lead gen companies he sold (31:40), Sam and Shaan do a rapid fire questions (35:45), A listener asks about shipping logistics (56:30), Sam and Shaan weigh in on how to adapt your business to COVID (67:30). This episode is presented by Tempo! Check them out at and use code "TempoHustle" for $100 off. Joined our private FB group yet? It's a page where people share each others million dollar ideas or what they're already working on:
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Published on 4 years, 6 months ago
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