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Take control of results about you on Google with or without AI

Take control of results about you on Google with or without AI

Season 18 Episode 15

Did you know there is a special tool to help you monitor and remove your personal information (name, address, email address, phone) should it appear in Google search results?

🙂➡ The tool will actively monitor for the contact information you specify.

➡ Alerts you via email or push notifications when they appear.

➡ You can submit requests to have the PII remove when it appears.

Get started here:https://myactivity.google.com/results-about-you,

Users can use Google's "My Activity" tool to monitor and remove their contact information. Additionally, Google outlines specific policies and procedures for removing other types of content, including explicit or intimate personal images. The text further clarifies that removing content from Google Search does not necessarily remove it from the original hosting website, and it may be necessary to contact the website owner directly for complete removal. Users are also directed to additional resources and support services for further assistance and information.

#google #lifeatgoogle #privacy #data #security

💪 AI and Machine Learning For Dummies

Djamgatech has launched a new educational app on the Apple App Store, aimed at simplifying AI and machine learning for beginners.

It is a mobile App that can help anyone Master AI & Machine Learning on the phone!

Download "AI and Machine Learning For Dummies " FROM APPLE APP STORE and conquer any skill level with interactive quizzes, certification exams, & animated concept maps in:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Generative AI
  • LLMs
  • NLP
  • xAI
  • Data Science
  • AI and ML Optimization
  • AI Ethics & Bias ⚖️

& more! ➡️ App Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/ai-machine-learning-4-dummies/id1611593573

AI Consultation:

We empower organizations to leverage the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence. Our AI consultancy services are designed to meet the unique needs of industries such as oil and gas, healthcare, education, and finance. We provide customized AI and Machine Learning podcast for your organization, training sessions, ongoing advisory services, and tailored AI solutions that drive innovation, efficiency, and growth.

Contact us here (or email us at info@djamgatech.com) to receive a personalized value proposition.

Published on 2 months, 2 weeks ago

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