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#024 - Using a 3-Point Test Kit to Verify 2-Wire Ground Resistance at the Lighting Arrestor Locations

On the replay episode of Baseline tech-Talk Tuesday, you will learn how to use the AEMC 3-Point Ground Test Kit to check the resistance along a 2-wire path.

Not every irrigation pro knows how to use this equipment - tune in closely so you can stay ahead of your competition and get a leg up on your next 2-wire project.

Proper installation of grounding rods, grounding plates, and wire connections is essential to provide good surge suppression. While there is no technology currently available that can fully protect an irrigation system against damage from massive surges such as those caused by direct lightning strikes, outfitting your 2-wire path with grounding and surge arrestors will protect from most, if not all, naturally occurring electrical surges.

Published on 4 years, 7 months ago

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