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#025 - Managing Secondary Water Sources, Domestic, Ponds, Rain Water Cisterns, Irrigation Canals, and more.

In this replay episode of Baseline Tech-Talk Tuesday, brought to you by the Sprinkler Nerd, you will learn how to Manage Secondary Water Sources using the BaseStation 3200 Platform & FlowStation Performance Component.

Types of Water Sources:

  1. Domestic water
  2. Canal water
  3. Rain catchment
  4. Ponds/lakes
  5. Well AC condensate water
  6. Reclaimed water
  7. Fertilizer injector water 

 Each Water Source has different characteristics; availability, cost, pressure, water quality so there may be preferences on which water supply to use prioritize first.


Simplest configuration 1 water source (meter), 1 controller, 1 mainline 

What happens when 2 water sources, 1 controller? 

Published on 4 years, 6 months ago

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