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#027 - Wireless 2-Wire, Consolidating Controllers and Managing Remote Devices using Baseline SubStation Technology

In this episode, you will learn how to use Baseline's wireless 2-wire technology for retrofitting difficult situations or complex irrigation sites.

Dan and I discuss how the wireless SubStation can connect to a BaseStation 3200™ controller and allow you to connect every Baseline device wirelessly...This wireless connectivity means you can consolidate multiple existing controllers into a single BaseStation 3200 controller without running a wire across long distances. You can also establish new irrigation zones in areas separated from the main controller by obstacles such as driveways or parking lots.

With Baseline's SubStation, you can bring the latest in smart irrigation technology to any conventional wire or two-wire site. Whether you are combining multiple small irrigation controllers into one controller or adding the ability to manage the flow and incorporate soil moisture sensors and pressure sensors - the wireless SubStation makes it that easy.

Published on 4 years, 5 months ago

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