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Sometimes People Just Need Pizza and Port-o-Johns | S2EP7

Season 2 Episode 7

So, in my early incident management career as a Planning Section Chief, I'd go with other people after disasters, help find missing people, or plan big sporting events. I was super rigid in the methodology and the tools we used, and I had to hit every step. I was wrong. Fortunately, good friends of mine helped me realize that sometimes we don't need to work on the whole process; we need to meet the needs of those in front of us. This is where Sometimes People Just Need Pizza and Port-o-Johns comes in.

In this episode, I share how to:

  1. Focus on relationships first
  2. Align the team on outcomes second
  3. Combine and align processes third
  4. Work together on the how fourth
  5. Lastly, set the team loose to get shit done

Until next time...

- Stay safe

- Focus on relationships, then outcomes, then on the shared process

- And Godspeed y’all


Published on 3 months ago

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