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Lessons from the Roman Mob for Project Managers

Season 2 Episode 6

In Lessons from the Roman Mob and for Project Stakeholders I talk about how around 52BC, the Roman mob was comprised of Plebeians as they were called or working class people. Individually they weren't that powerful, but together, they created a mob that changed the Roman empire. In projects, our stakeholders can start to sew dissent like the Roman mob did.

So, how do we address the mob mentality we see building in project teams and redirect that energy into efficient and collaborative work?

  • Listen to hear the mob
  • Determine where there are truths and where there is false information
  • Address rudeness and unprofessionalism early
  • Escalate if needed
  • Re-baseline the team and move on

Just as Pompey in ancient Rome quelled the mob, so too can modern project leaders restore order and ensure the project's ultimate success.

Published on 3 months ago

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