Editors Note: This episode was originally distributed through TWiP – This Week in Photo, and the YouTube Video above is through the TWiP YouTube Page. Please be sure to subscribe to their YouTube page, and visit their site to check out all of the TWiP shows.
Ben Horne is a different kind of photographer. Most photographers I know strive to always use the latest and “greatest” gear, but Ben walks in the opposite direction. His Facebook page says it best, describing Ben as a:
“Large Format Landscape Photographer with a wooden camera, an amazing wife, an awesome cat, and another cat too.”
Yup, read it again…. he said Large Format, as in 8 x 10 film – although a few of his early shots were 4 x 5 film. That alone would make most people I know run away. Ben carries a large format wooden camera into locations many photographers wouldn’t even try to hike to. Why would anyone use large format film? I mean they have digital bodies that do super high resolution now, right? Ben describes it best on his site:
“I absolutely love working with large format film because of the inherent limitation, and the strong sense of discipline that is required. These limitations help to shape the final image by giving me a sense of direction.”
That is someone that want to master their craft. Someone that sees the joy and benefit that comes from challenging yourself. I have heard of an old photography school exercise this reminded me of, where the instructor tells the students to take one lens and go photograph in a parking lot – all day. Another example is my friend Matthias Hombauer, who was on episode 19. He occasionally uses a manual focus lens for the same reason.
Join Ben and me on this episode of Behind the Shot as we discover some of the key elements of a great landscape photo, and explore the fun and challenges of large format color film photography.
Personal: benhorne.com
Facebook: @benhornephoto
Instagram: @benhornephoto
Twitter: @BenHorne
YouTube: @benhorne
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