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Highlights From Year One

Editors Note: This episode was originally distributed through TWiP – This Week in Photo, and the YouTube Video above is through the TWiP YouTube Page. Please be sure to subscribe to their YouTube page, and visit their site to check out all of the TWiP shows.

It’s hard to believe I have been doing the Behind the Shot Podcast for a year already. With the end of 2017 around the corner I thought it was a good time to take a look back at the amazing guests I have had on the show so far.

In this episode we revisit some of the key moments from the first year of the Behind the Shot podcast, and if you see a show you missed originally be sure to visit the show page and watch the whole episode.

Through the first year I have had three Canon Explorers of light on the show, including Ken Sklute, Rick Sammon (twice), and Jack Reznicki, and photography icons like Trey Ratcliff and Frederick Van Johnson. I have had the pleasure of chatting with amazing photographers and artists like Anya Anti, Dustin Jack, Alan Hess, Robby Klein, Martin Bailey, Troy Miller, Dana McMullen, Craig Colvin, Peter Levshin, Chris Berry, Paul Ernest, Cole Thompson, PhotoJoseph, Matthias Hombauer, Noam Galai, Anthony D’Angio, Scott Dworkin, Brett Stanley, Brad Moore, Scott Hirano, and

Published on 7 years, 1 month ago

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