Editors Note: This episode was originally distributed through TWiP – This Week in Photo, and the YouTube Video above is through the TWiP YouTube Page. Please be sure to subscribe to their YouTube page, and visit their site to check out all of the TWiP shows.
Valérie Jardin is one of today’s top Street Photographers, and that is saying a lot. The interest in this field is as strong as ever, and she has it covered from almost every angle. She is an author of multiple books, an educator, a workshop instructor, a popular blogger and speaker, and she hosts her own podcast, “Hit the Streets with Valérie Jardin”.
As an educator Valérie continually shares her knowledge. Her workshops have taken participants to great cities in France, Australia, and the US. As a regular contributor to the popular Digital Photography School website she has helped many readers advance their craft, and as public speaker she has shared her experience and knowledge with attendees at such well known conferences at Photo Expo Plus and Out of Chicago.
When it comes to Street Photography there have been many famous artists. Henri Cartier-Bresson, Vivian Maier, and Robert Doisneau come to mind, but that field has produced some of the best overall photographers to ever hold a camera. Lucky for us photography fans, Street Photography is alive and well, and I am happy to say it is being represented by by some new greats like Valérie.
Join Valérie and me on this episode of Behind the Shot as we discuss the joy of Street Photography in general, as well as what makes a Street Photography photo great.
Personal: valeriejardinphotography.com
Facebook: @valeriejardinphotography
Instagram: @valeriejardin
Podcast: Hit the Streets with Valérie Jardin
Workshops: valeriejardinphotography.com/worldwide
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Published on 7 years ago
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