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Shoot for the Skies

Sometimes I get to talk to photographers and it feels like I am living my dreams through their lens. Erik Kuna is one of those occasions. Erik is Rocket Photographer… let me just stop there for a second. He photographs rockets. How cool is that! Looking through his portfolio is a pure geek-out moment.

Erik photographs launches for NASA, SpaceX, United Launch Alliance, and Orbital ATK from spaceports around the USA. I just used the word “spaceports” in a blog post, there has to be extra points for that. He cover launches for various mew media outlets, magazines, and for actual space agencies around the world. His goal? To create images that help educate people on the space industry.images, and  that inspire people to learn more about space exploration.

That education theme is a key part of Erik. You see, Erik Kuna is also the Vice President of Operations for KelbyOne, the online training site. I am sure you are familiar with KelbyOne, but if not be sure to check out this Behind the Shot episode with the namesake for KelbyOne, Scott Kelby. KelbyOne provides incredible training content to their members, from the likes of Rick Sammon, Trey Ratcliff, and so many more, and for 15 years Erik has been a key part of delivering their award winning training to world. From producing industry leading training conferences, workshops, seminars, classes, books, magazines, apps, videos, blogs, websites and webcasts, to creating entire online e-learning libraries filled with thousands of videos, he’s been involved in all aspects of photography training. 

He’s also worked with partners such as Adobe, Google, Canon, B&H Photo and many more to produce training videos and corporate events to help their customers and clients unlock their full potential via education and inspiration.

Join Rocket Photographer (that is so cool to say) Erik Kuna and me on this episode of Behind the Shot as we examine one of his amazing launch images.

Connect with Erik

Personal: erikkuna.com
KelbyOne: kelbyone.com
Photoshop World:photoshopworld.com
Facebook: @erikkuna
Instagram: @erikkuna
Twitter: @erikkuna

Published on 6 years, 6 months ago

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