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Wildlife Photography

My first introduction to Juan Pons was on The Digital Photo Experience podcast, with Rick Sammon. I listened to that show regularly, partly because I could hear the passion for the craft that both hosts had. Fast forward to today and my podcasting has come full circle. Instead of listening to these two guys on a show, I’ve had Rick on Behind the Shot four times, and finally Juan is on the show.

Born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Juan’s passion is photographing our worlds magnificent wildlife and natural features. A strong supporter of wildlife and natural habitat conservation, Juan is a member of several conservation organizations. Though private individuals purchase photos directly from him, Juan donates his images to non-profit organizations with nature and wildlife preservation missions. Juan is clearly inspired and amazed by the natural subjects he photographs and in sharing his photographs he inspires others to appreciate and respect natural life.

Part photographer, part educator, and with more than 30 years experience in photography, Juan is a recognized expert in Wildlife Photography, Lightroom and on maximizing the capabilities of DSLRs when shooting video. He travels extensively capturing nature’s beauty, and for more than 18 years he’s been teaching photography, both out in the field and in the classroom.

Juan’s work has been featured in numerous publications, including: Sierra Magazine, Nature Conservancy, Audubon Magazine, American Photo, Audubon North Carolina, Wildlife in North Carolina, The Independent, and many others.

Along with the numerous popular photography podcasts Juan has helped to create, and he also has a YouTube channel about all things photography.

Join nature and wildlife photographer Juan Pons and me as we discuss photographing wildlife in less than friendly elements, on this episode of Behind the Shot.

Connect with Juan

Website: juanpons.org
Instagram: @jpons
Facebook: @juanpons

Juan Online

YouTube: @juanpons
Workshops: juanpons.org

Published on 5 years, 5 months ago

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