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10 Reasons Why ETFs Are Better Than Property for Retirement

On this Australian Investors Podcast, Owen Rask speaks with Global X's Marc Jocum about 10 reasons why ETFs are better than property in retirement.

Reasons covered:

1. Speed of transactions

2. Lower Costs

3. Diversification

4. Predictable income

5. Liquidity in Retirement

6. Relatively better yields

7. Tax Efficiency

8. Access to Global Markets

9. No Borrowing Risk / interest rate sensitivity

10. Transparency and price discovery

ETFs mentioned: ZYAU, FANG, BANK


Global X website (all funds): https://bit.ly/gx-funds

Global X Landscape report: https://go.globalxetfs.com.au/l/533502/2024-09-10/8xlmjh

Episode 1 with Marc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YniljKAXnqY

Behind the memo with Morgan Housel:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1ewk6BeHzcHadH5vfJvZSy

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-memo-the-impact-of-debt-with/id1521551570?i=1000666742345

JP Morgan's Severe Case of Covidia: https://privatebank.jpmorgan.com/apac/en/insights/latest-and-featured/eotm/a-severe-case-of-covidiab

~~ Resources you'll love ~~

Access Show Notes: https://bit.ly/R-notes

Invest with Owen: https://bit.ly/R-invest

Mortgage Broking: https://bit.ly/broke-rask

Financial Planning: https://bit.ly/R-plan

Property Coaching: https://bit.ly/R-P-coach

100-point property checklist (PDF): Published on 3 months, 4 weeks ago

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