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How Mike Heroux's Membership Site Earns +$500k/Year

While Mike Heroux worked professionally as a financial planner, he always had a financial blog side hustle.

It took some time to finally make the decision to go all-in, but he eventually dove headfirst into blogging. In fact, he grew his portfolio to about a dozen sites. 

And then the Panda Update came along. Suffice to say, Mike’s multi-year journey into entrepreneurship has had its ups and downs.

Today, he runs a membership website—Dividend Stocks Rock—with almost 4,000 members earning over $500k per year. And he grew it without using any SEO. He also built up a newsletter to nearly 25,000 subscribers.

Mike has a ton of great insight to share in this interview, so get ready to take notes!

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Get SEO Consulting from the Niche Pursuits Podcast Host, Jared Bauman: https://www.nichepursuits.com/201creative

Published on 5 months, 3 weeks ago

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