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I Get Over 1 Million Page Views Per Month from Pinterest

Tony Hill is a digital marketer with decades of experience, but when his sites’ traffic started to tank, he rolled up his sleeves and started looking for an alternative traffic source. And he found Pinterest.

Tony has gone deep into the rabbit hole on Pinterest, studying how it works and poring over its data, to come up with strategies that work. 

Currently, he’s getting a million clicks a month on the platform, and he’s constantly experimenting with new sites and new tactics. 

Tony talks about how he believes Pinterest works, how Pinterest SEO is similar to Google SEO, and how he tailors his content to his Pinterest audience.

Links & Resources

Ready to join a niche publishing mastermind, and hear from industry experts each week?  Join the Niche Pursuits Community here: https://community.nichepursuits.com

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Want a Faster and Easier Way to Build Internal Links?  Get $15 off Link Whisper with Discount Code "Podcast" on the Checkout Screen: https://www.nichepursuits.com/linkwhisper

Get SEO Consulting from the Niche Pursuits Podcast Host, Jared Bauman: https://www.nichepursuits.com/201creative

Published on 6 months, 2 weeks ago

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