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🐌Dangers of Snail and Slug Bait for Birds and Dogs 🐌

🐌Dangers of Snail and Slug Bait for Birds and Dogs 🐌

Episode 798

Ken Lain, the Top 10 Gardener here! Summer's finally arrived in full force, and with all that sunshine and warmth comes explosive growth in your garden.


Remember that heat stress from June and July? Plants feel it too! But now, with cooler temps and welcome rain, they're thriving.


However, along with stunning blooms come some unwelcome guests: tomato worms! Watch for those big green caterpillars munching on your tomatoes and peppers. Luckily, organic solutions like BT spray can help control them.


Speaking of organic solutions, let's talk snail and slug control. These slimy critters can wreak havoc on your garden. We recommend using organic snail and slug bait infused with spinosad, which is safe for pets and birds while keeping your plants happy.


Remember, here at Watters Garden Center, we're all about healthy, sustainable gardening. So come on down and chat with us! We'd love to hear about what's growing in your yard.


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🐌Ken Lain, the Top 10 Gardener

#WattersGardenCenter, #Top10Gardener, #GardeningTips, #MountainGardenerPodcast, #WattersGardenCenterAZ, #kedj, #OrganicGardening, #SummerGardening. #PestControl, #TomatoWorms, #SnailAndSlugs

Published on 4 months, 2 weeks ago

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