Season 5 Episode 47
Be a Blessing
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” -Ravindranath Tagore
There is an old choir song that many churches sang when I was coming up. The main refrain was: “You can’t beat God giving. The more you give, the more he gives to you. So keep on giving because it’s really true. You can’t beat God giving, no matter how hard you try.”
One of life’s central truths is the paradox that Jesus taught: if we want to save our lives, we must be willing to lose them. (Matthew 16:25)
Neither fame nor fortune can quench our soul’s deepest thirst. The pathways of greed and lust will never satisfy.
The path to wholeness and wellbeing simply requires us to figure out how we can be a blessing, and then to go about being that blessing again and again.
Just be a blessing.
I’m Horace McMillon. This is 60 Seconds of Hope. Peace be with you.
Published on 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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