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I Make $20k/Month Using Paid Ads

If you didn’t get into paid media before Google changed up the traffic game, you can still get into it now. That’s what Alex Goldberg is showing us on this week’s podcast.

Alex started a site as a side hustle, but it eventually grew into a portfolio of sites. Organic traffic was abundant, but he decided to experiment with paid media arbitrage.

In the end, he built up a portfolio of sites earning $20k/month and then sold it for a hefty sum.

For people who are generating a lot of traffic from SEO or social media, Alex outlines a great strategy to diversify, and for people who aren’t getting as much traffic as they used to, they can also diversify.

Don’t miss this episode where Alex shares a lot of great advice and tips for getting started and succeeding with paid ads.

Alex starts with a brief introduction of his background, talking about how he always wanted to be an entrepreneur, how he started side hustling, and how he eventually exited one of his main projects, a portfolio of health and wellness sites.

He starts by talking in more detail about his initial site, which he started in 2018 as a side hustle with a colleague. They were reviewing fintech companies, but pivoted to health and wellness when they sensed there was a better opportunity in that niche.

In 2021, he quit his job, eventually bought out his business partner, and went on to create a portfolio of related sites. He also shifted his focus from organic traffic to paid media arbitrage before he eventually sought out, and found, a buyer.

Alex goes into more detail about switching from SEO to paid media arbitrage and why he decided to diversify. He talks about the challenges he faced setting up a paid arbitrage strategy, but claims that once you have a roadmap, it’s easier than SEO.

He discusses the types of keywords he bids on, how to meet the demand of underlying queries, and future-proofing your business.

Alex had experience before he started using this strategy, but for people who don’t usually use paid ads, he shares tips and tricks and challenges people generally face.

He reveals the percentage of campaigns that are generally successful and talks about how to talk to brands about using this strategy, what kinds of niches it would work in, and he compares it to SEO, content creation, and organic traffic.

Alex explains social whitelisting and then goes into a lot of detail on conversion tracking, and he also talks about scaling the business and reaching $20k/month in profit while providing immense value for his clients, which was very important to him.

Towards the end of the interview, he talks about being hit by the HCU and how diversified his sites were, and he also shares some stats: how much his business was earning and how much he sold it for.

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Published on 7 months ago

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