Episode 788
We love the monsoon rains, but those weeds sure love them too! Ken and Lisa Lain here.
Don't let those pesky invaders take over your garden. Get ahead of the game with Watters "Decimate" weed killer and "Herbicidal Enhancer." This dynamic duo sticks to weeds like glue, even in the rain, for a quick and lasting knockout.
For long-term weed prevention, especially in windy areas like Prescott Valley, spread "Weed and Grass Stopper" over bare ground. It stops weed seeds from sprouting, saving you hours of back-breaking weeding.
Try low-growing ground covers to combat erosion and add beauty to those hot, sunny spots. From colorful cotoneaster to fragrant creeping rosemary, we've got the perfect plants to hold your soil in place and create a stunning landscape.
Remember, we're here to help! Bring in your pictures and questions, and let's design a weed-free, erosion-resistant garden together.
Garden like a Pro - unlock the secrets with Top10Gardener.
🌿 Ken & Lisa Lain, The Top 10 Gardeners
#WattersGardenCenter, #WattersGardencenterAZ, #Top10Gardener, #GardeningTips, #MountainGardenerPodcast, #kedj, #MonsoonWeeds, #ErosionControl, #WeedPrevention, #GroundCovers
Published on 4Â months, 4Â weeks ago
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