Season 5 Episode 38
Putting Away Our Anger
“Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice.” - Ephesians 4:31
We want to become proactive in processing our emotions, particularly the negative ones. If we wait for them to go away on their own, they may decide to hang out with us for a long time.
We want to start by acknowledging what we feel. It does us no good to deny our feelings. Feel what you feel.
Next we want to give ourselves some level of validation. In most cases we had good reason to feel how we felt. And even if we didn’t, that’s how we felt.
Finally we have to decide, that our anger and bitterness are no longer serving us well. They’re holding us hostage to the past, and stealing the peace we deserve today. Worse, in some cases they keep us stuck in a toxic cycle of action and reaction.
Start by making the decision that you don’t want to carry this anymore and put it away.
I’m Horace McMillon. This is 60 Seconds of Hope. Peace be with you.
Published on 5 months ago
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